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Normal Community High School Placement 1

Street Art vs. Graffiti
Lesson Plan and Supporting Documents

IPTS (2013) STANDARD 2 - Content Area and Pedagogical Knowledge - The competent teacher has in-depth understanding of content area knowledge that includes central concepts, methods of inquiry, structures of disciplines, and content area literacy. The teacher creates meaningful learning experiences for each student based upon interactions among content area and pedagogical knowledge, and evidence-based practice.


IPTS (2013) STANDARD 5 - Instructional Delivery - The competent teacher differentiates instruction by using a variety of strategies that support critical and creative thinking, problem-solving, and continuous growth and learning. The teacher understands that the classroom is a dynamic environment requiring ongoing modification of instruction to enhance learning for each student.

Advanced Art 2

Description: In this lesson, students explored the idea of street art and graffiti and the differences and similarities between the two. Students were to research street art or graffiti artists then create their own street art design with the big idea of inspiration or positivity in mind. They used illustration board and alcohol markers to make their design come to life. Students then had to choose where in the school their street art poster should be hung and why they chose that location based on the meaning behind the piece and the potential audience. 

Rationale: I created this lesson to teach the difference between vandalism and art. While doing so, we got to have many discussions and debates as to whether graffiti is art or vandalism. The students researched street and graffiti artists and choose one to be the inspiration of their street art design posters.


Street Art vs. Graffiti
Assessment Methods


IPTS (2013) STANDARD 7 - Assessment - The competent teacher understands and uses appropriate formative and summative assessments for determining student needs, monitoring student progress, measuring student growth, and evaluating student outcomes. The teacher makes decisions driven by data about curricular and instructional effectiveness and adjusts practices to meet the needs of each student.

Description: In this lesson, students explored the idea of street art and graffiti and the differences and similarities between the two then created their own street art design. I had a formative assessment mid way through the final by doing an in progress critique as a class as well as checking in one on one with the students almost daily. As a summative assessment, we did a final critique as a class where they were graded on their presentation of their design as well as giving feedback on others work. On top of this, they had questions related to their poster and the meaning behind it to answer in depth. 

Rationale: I created this lesson to teach the difference between vandalism and art. While doing so, we got to have many discussions and debates as to whether graffiti is art or vandalism. The students researched street and graffiti artists and choose one to be the inspiration of their street art design posters.


Olympia Middle School 
Placement 2

Out of this World
Assessment Method

IPTS (2013) STANDARD 7 - Assessment -
The competent teacher understands and uses appropriate formative and summative assessments for determining student needs, monitoring student progress, measuring student growth, and evaluating student outcomes. The teacher makes decisions driven by data about curricular and instructional effectiveness and adjusts practices to meet the needs of each student.


Description: I only was able to do formative assessments while at Olympia because of the fire. I was not able to get through a whole project while at this placement and grading was different while over zoom. That being said, all of my formative assessments were done in the form of sketches and idea proposals for the project I had planned before the fire.

Rationale: My students in 7th grade completed a brainstorming idea worksheet and sketch before creating their aliens before we were out from the fire. We did a brainstorming activity where the students had to make a list of 5 objects and 5 foods/drinks and find a way to combine the two. This connects to our project because the project was to create a surreal snack sculpture so this activity allowed me to see if they grasped the concept of surrealism and the basis of the project. 

Evidence: I was only able to get an image of one students sketches before we had to leave for the fire. This was her sculpture sketch of a broccoli animal.

Out of This World
Lesson Plan and Supporting Documents

7th Grade Art

IPTS (2013) STANDARD 2 - Content Area and Pedagogical Knowledge - The competent teacher has in-depth understanding of content area knowledge that includes central concepts, methods of inquiry, structures of disciplines, and content area literacy. The teacher creates meaningful learning experiences for each student based upon interactions among content area and pedagogical knowledge, and evidence-based practice.


IPTS (2013) STANDARD 5 - Instructional Delivery - The competent teacher differentiates instruction by using a variety of strategies that support critical and creative thinking, problem-solving, and continuous growth and learning. The teacher understands that the classroom is a dynamic environment requiring ongoing modification of instruction to enhance learning for each student.

Description: My initial plan for this lesson was for students to create and sculpt their own alien creatures out of balsa foam by taking inspiration from toy artist Chris Ryniak. After they created, carved, and painted their alien creatures, the students were going to create watercolor planets and a galaxy for their aliens to live in. My school had a fire and we had to go virtual, so I continued on with this lesson is a a slightly different way to accommodate students having little to no supplies at home. I switched gears and had students use paint or "make shift" paint to create squished paint aliens.

Rationale: I created this lesson as a way to introduce carving and character creation to the 7th grade students. They would be using a material that none of them had ever used before, so I thought it would be a fun way to explore the world of carving foam and learning different techniques. My new lesson for teaching virtually was more abstraction, symmetry, and imagination based as they had to find and create their alien creature out of a colorful paint blob. This new project still hit on the character creation aspect of the lesson and the artist we learned about, but in a different way.




PAL 1 

IPTS (2013) STANDARD 9 - Professionalism, Leadership, and Advocacy - 
The competent teacher is an ethical and reflective practitioner who exhibits professionalism, provides leadership in the learning community; and advocates fro students, parents or guardians, and the profession.

Description: I attended many different professional development sessions over the course of this semester at both Olympia and NCHS.

Rationale:  Each of these sessions helped give incite to different topics like learning disabilities, conflict resolution, and creating modifications and accommodations for kids that need it.

Evidence:  I attended every institute day that I had throughout the semester. 




IPTS (2013) STANDARD 9 - Professionalism, Leadership, and Advocacy -
The competent teacher is an ethical and reflective practitioner who exhibits professionalism, provides leadership in the learning community; and advocates fro students, parents or guardians, and the profession.



Description: I helped out at Graymont Elementary School on Friday April 28 for their fine arts day. They had many different tables art activities set up at each.

Rationale:  This gave me experience working with k-8 students doing various activities. This is a different feel than in an art classroom so it is good to get that varied experience. 






Description: I prepared and planned projects for the NCHS art club while teaching at Normal Community.

Rationale: I wanted to see how an at art club was run and how a teacher went about running it. I also got really good incite as to the different things that an art club may be asked to do around the school or help out with (aka murals, writing on walls.)



Virtual Teaching & learning

While student teaching at Olympia, the school had a fire and we had to switch to virtual learning over Google Meets. This was a whole new experience for me that I got to learn. That being said, I created a lot of different day by day lessons and multiple day lessons that students could do at home with little to no materials. 

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