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1D: understands properties of two- and three-dimensional space and of the fourth dimension, time.
2D: collaborates with other arts specialists in developing inter-related artworks

Description: We were introduced to many different softwares and platforms that allow us to create art digitally.

We explored ideas such as glitch art, illustrator art, photoshop to create images, animation and so many more. 

Rational: Learning about these programs and ideas and how to use them to create art allowed me to further my understanding of the idea of "teaching in the digital art studio." Now that I have been introduced to different ways of creating art digitally, I will now be prepared for unexpected times like now with COVID and be able to use these in my own future classes to create projects for my students. 

Evidence: See images above


Personal Logo Design Lesson Plan

5B)  understands principles and techniques, along with advantages and limitations, associated with a wide range of evidence-based instructional practices;
5C)  knows how to implement effective differentiated instruction through the use of a wide variety of materials, technologies, and resources;
5D)  understands disciplinary and interdisciplinary instructional approaches and how they relate to life and career experiences;

Description: I created this lesson plan with the idea of using Adobe Illustrator to bring your sketches to life. Each student will create their own design for a personal logo for themselves using their name, characteristics, hobbies, favorite things, ect. They will sketch out 3 designs then create their final logo design on Illustrator.

Rational: I created this lesson plan with digital artists in mind and my understanding of the software Adobe Illustrator. The students will be introduced to a number of different vector artists who use Illustrator in different ways. This lesson will help them to think deeper than what meets the eye by creating their own personal logo.


Brainstorm Activity: file:///Users/emmabrummel/Downloads/Logo%20Brainstorming%20Activity%20(1).pdf 

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